
tHe weiRdo and the Nerd is now an Emo..

HI? my name is Tim....?

"oh, cut this son of a b***h crap!!.."

I used to be this crappy weirdo kid in primary school,i wonder why i was like that..but there's nothing wrong being a weird kid..i guess...??.. im still weird now..but not as weird last time..i think..i used to talk alot and play around too much till i get myself hurt in primary school...till the whole school knows me...well not all,but just the students that are same year as me..but i dint regret to be who i am..i met some great friends through out the year...and experience some...uhh..nvm..
I remember one of my friend ever ask me a question and i answer..afterthat he thinks im weird for the rest of his life! What the heck...
Here's the Question

I forgot his name : How do sleep at Night?

Me : Well,i forced my head into the pillow till i cant breath anymore..the next thing i know..its morning! =)

OK..afterthat give me a long stare...

Forget bout the past...now moving on to my high school!

My 1st day at school...yea,i was a nerd(thats whats i think)...i kept quiet and my specs is always lowered to my nose and my eye kept staring at ppl(which they think!!)...they hated me for doing so cause they though i was trying to create trouble with them...haha..weirdos! I just dont know why they think so...but then they turn out to be my friends now...

After those nerdy words of mine...i turn to be emo in Form 3...weird,i dint even notice that...i know i kept quiet,minding my own business and get pissed so quickly(there my real anger was born!).....i cursed alot...
Especially now...i kept saying Son of a bitch every time i wan to cursed...

But...everything turns out well..heh..


The other side of me

For the past few months...i had never though i would be such angry person...
I get pissed at small matters and turned it to such a serious matter..
i dont know what's going on with me..
im doing my best to chill myself and not to get angry at small matters..
if my habit of these continue,i know it will affect me, my friends and my family...


Im sorry..
especially to..

It seems that your the only person i always had been mad at..so, im sorry..i never though i would be such a jerk..i care for you and im sorry if im being such a protective person to you,cause you were my first ever friend at college since the 1st day i've arrive there..i just dont want you to go to wrong path and i just dont want to lose another friend...

I've known you for 7 years..sometimes i dont know why i was angry at you for no reason..so,i know that you will always ignore me and try to cool me down when im mad..so thx,im sorry if i ever offended you buddy..

Maybe you deserve it,or maybe not..but i was never agry at you,if u ever feel offended..im sorry

Dude,i've known you since we were a kid..i know you dont remember, but i do...our family are close friends only when they met..we had never had an argument so far....well, maybe once...and it was bad..real bad..i remember i wanted to hit your head with the stick that i had..heh..which you did let me cool down for awhile...
im sorry for what happen in the past....

all im asking is forgiveness...if i dint get any...well maybe i deserve it..4 of you were my best friends,maybe you'll understand what are my intentions..

its a shit life for me...and im changing myself to become a better person..



im being emo nw...*sights*..
i miss my friends that are leaving to kl...
they were my best friends..
tho...i hv to accept the fact that.. im always alone...

sitting down outside my house and watching the sunset...
it felt so quite...
ive never felt these emptyness before..

i never though i could be so emotional these days...
but then...
hope to see see them soon...

i know i can get over about these in a few days...



Went back to Green Road today..just to see some old friends, i had to wake up early due to the raining in the morning...cant even sleep due to cold n fear of flood...again..


After picking up alicia, we went to school just to make a suprise visit cause she only had 1 week holiday here...~sights~ if she had stayed more longer would be better tho,cause sherry's leaving this saturday..

When we arrived at school...to my suprise...the school looks...ORANGE?..i wonder whats going on in school,there's a new pond next to the hall,plants everywhere n even Taylors college banner?...weird...i never though the school would change that much..heh

Went to the Form 6 block..there were many new faces..we did get to met shayndee,shirly,lisa,thevanajahan n syafiq...and suprisingly our Geo teacher still recognise me..haha...he was suprise n impressed(i think) to heard that lycia is studying chef and im studying design..tho,im glad to meet him..

Wish we could stay more longer but we dont much time...but we did make plan to go out this Sunday!! Cant Wait...


U cant hear my bass...cause i sux!

Our servers guild held a praise & worship that monday night(or yesterday night)?, it was great tho.. there was a few mistakes..i dint get to perform, due to my EXPERT-ness of my bass with no sound! yea,laugh..i dint know...and no one give me any sign saying that my bass has NO SOUND! at all....i only can hear it nex to me..thats why i dint care at all...


Nex month...i had been appointed to lead the band to perform...huh...wat the heck..i'll do my best..
Just hope that i wont be criticize again! like the last time...mempermainkan tuhan!!????? Wtf!!! i dint even know ok!! I'll do my best nex month! and this time my bass will have sound!! HAH!

now...i need to find a few songs..if i can...heh...

do come...NOT!


p a t h o l o g y

" i swear by Apollo, Asclepius, Hygieia and Pannaca...
and I take to witness all the Gods, all the goddesses...

I will prescribe regiments for the good of my patients according to
my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone...."

Being a Pathologists is what i always wanted to be. but somehow, im not meant for it. reasons..will i get use to see dead bodies,blood,brains,testicles and some other stuff that can make people puke...i know this job is kinda nasty and dirty...but still,its a job that i would love to have..its not that i want to take advantage on the dead bodies or what,its what i want to for medical,i dont know what am i saying..finding the cause of death or perform an autopsy is pretty cool to me...

Now...as i move on,i know i could not turn back...studying at Limkokwing taking Animation & Multimedia Design is good enough for me..and im proud to be part of the Limkokwing College..they say use all your creativity, and so i will...

I will forget about trying to be a pathologist...

Now i'll be focusing to be a Game or Animation Designner...
the pathologist thing..was just my second choice if i dont get to study in Limkokwing...



"Such a lonely day"

That's what been going in my mind these days...My sis went off back to KL today, the house has less noise now..bored..i miss my sis..no one to bully or to disturb,even my brother is leaving this week..eventho it has been like this since last year, i just need my family around me...
I even saw danson at the airpot today...he also went off to KL..


Everybody's leaving..
Sherry will be leaving in like 11 days time..
John, he could be leaving after taking he's results from college..
So does Cyril after his SPM results...

All my best friends are leaving....

Being alone is not what i like tho..eventho i still have some friends in kch,but my best friends are the people i always hang out with everyday...
They kept asking me to follow them to KL...but i insist..cause all i wanted is to finish my Diploma here and continue my Degree at Limkokwing's new campus in US(if it's completes in time)...and i'll be patience..

All i ever wonder is......how does it feels when every of your friends are leaving....and your the only one that's left....


My new year resolution...

ITS 2009....so? I wanna start over again... the year 2008 has been such a memorable year for me...
Why??....well,i've experience working, hearbreaking moments, saddest days of my life, meeting new friends, old frieds starting to PALAT!....i shall never forget the past, 2008 is a year for me to remember...


I wanna start over again
Be different(not to say be a jerk or an asshole)
Do all my assingments IN TIME
Find a part time job while studying
Be more manner and appropriet
Stop wasting money
Dont go CLUBBING anymore!!

Its all im asking for...eventho i do not know how to say a prayer,but i know that i can say it, cause recently,i went to Doulos to buy a Bible..& its pretty cool...i never though that i would brought a Bible...

I cant wait for my Sem 2 to begin....& yea,i LOVE ALL MY ASSINGMENTS!! Dont get me wrong or give me the look of death..i learn somethng from all the assingments...

& now i shall leave these spaces wit memories....


Helpless people,dont save them....save yourself...

Stupit stuff that we do...

its all about the view....

I shall keep this pictue in my mind always....

Oh yea...and sherry, i admit...I am going to miss you when you go to KL..
I hope everything goes well for you there..
& i'll hope you'll be Happy always!
Thx for being a great friend....