
To The Edge.

I just cant get enough of Left 4 Dead 2 these days

it's like every week i had to go to Gizmo just to play it

altho i had the game in my Xbox360

but playing in Pc is still the best experience..

Holidays has been really crappy

went to find jobs on Monday

tried Memories , Sony , Copal Digital..

not much

but i'm hoping and really wanted to work at Sony at Boulavard

i really wanted to work

but at the same thing in my mind

i don't wanna work!

cause there's a Photography Workshop this Friday at Campus..


i want to go for that too.

i really really really MISS COLLEGE LIFE!!!!

i miss being lazy

i miss being Busy doing ASSignments

i miss hanging out with friends and all the great lecturers and staff!!

i felt ALIVE when i'm there.

but DEAD at home!

Class begins on March!

and now its like 20th of January?!!

how long do i have to wait!!!?


and out of the blue

I miss someone so badly..

i cant believe i still think about her

but life must go on without her..

hoping for a new leap of change this year..


Was not

I'm so freaking lazy to update these days.

no mood at all.

boredom really struck me well this new year.


enough of that..

i cant wait for interview tomorrow.

i need that freaking JOB

i need MONEY

like i said.

2010 will be different.

i'll make myself as bz as possible.

so what?

i don't care what others think about me

i am what i am

this is me

i don't give a fuck whoever you are

is either your Miss Popular,Or Mr Popular

well my ass you guys sucks!

people like you only think about fame!

talk shit about us while you dint even realize that your the shitty one's.

ok i had enough.

Lan Cau!



1 month and 26 days left

to class

what the Fcuk am i going to do that long.

First of all, i would love to go to the Big Night Out at Singapore next month

i have money,passport,transportation,shelter..except for food

but i don't think my parents would be that crazy enough to let me go there alone

unless its KL.


how i wish to get out of this miserable life

maybe when i started my degree i can go


at least to Lasalle College of Art in Singapore would just be good enough

if not

i'll just see what i can do

my holidays are fcuking bored

all i do

watching movie at MBO

went to hang out at town


as always

no one even bother tho

at least i can enjoy the cold breezy night at Waterfront

since it's school time

none of those suckers and son of a bitch is there anymore

what a life eh?


I'm kinda numb
It's so distorted 
You left me here with
This DAMAGE that you caused
My tortured faces
Those fucked up places
In my memories
None of them I've lost

I haven't been here long enough to know
Every time I feel this I just LOSE control
Such a cancer on the face of everything that's beautiful
I Wish that this would just go

It's kinda sick
I feel so dirty
I'm kinda tragic
Kinda insecure
But i know
That i'm the only
One that can fix
Whatever wrong i'm sure

I feel so Alone
From all I've become 
I'll take you down
I feel so down
I'm water while you drown
You're lifted while I'm down
I'm cancer in your womb
I'm the needle in your spoon

Just go

With all these fucking lies
All these fucking lies


Im not

Why does everyday of my life

i have to go through this kind of shit?

just a little misunderstanding and joking around

they take it serious!

you wanna know the reasons why?


here it is.

your my friend, and you know who i am if i play around cause i was never serious at it

i respect your time with family and other friends

i don't bother when you say your not free at all

the thing is

all i wanted is a Friend to hang out with

now tell me..whats wrong with that?

i don't have any cool cousins or brother who brings me to club, or futsal or hagging out

just for your information

I've live my life ALONE for the past years!


Have you ever felt that loneliness,emptiness, that freaking hole is getting bigger and bigger every single day!

fcuk i even go out alone

watch movie alone

drink liquor by my own!

especially when i don't have that much friends to hang out with!

i'm not a cool guy

i gotta admit i'm just typical douche bag loser!

I live my life alone,alone and alone

just to have a Friend to hang out with

is just enough

maybe i don't deserve any friends

i don't think anyone knows how i feel

only God knows how suffering i am

an END to my life would just be good enough for me

and it'll make me


A Brave New World

I'm gonna think different this new year.

what  happen before,i'll forget about it.

I need a fresh start

I need a new path

I believe i can make something different this year.

since i'm still gonna live in with the Problems i had last year

I'm gonna have to step up from now on

I don't care who you were before to me

i'll do all my best to dismiss you

i don't give a fuck anymore

i don't

when i was being the friendly type of person last year

all i got was a Backstab

Shitty Rumors

and all that fucking crap of yours

i don't give a Fuck ANYMORE!

this time..i swear to God

  i wont be the same Tim you know.

i swear. I've suffered enough for one whole FUCKING year of 2009!



After more than 10 templates of gay and liberal layouts.

i finally got one.

I'm tired of doing it over and over and over again..

makes me feel so crappy!

I need a fresh air.


to be continue.

blog under construction.

Happy New Year Peeps!

fcuk 2009,hello 2010.