
Whats wrong with me?

I open my lungs, to breath in forgiveness and love

Haunting me now reminders of how I used to be

And on the road my troubles are sure to follow

Looking out the window, the hell if I know where will I go

I cant wait to leave.

I'm begging to leave..

I hated it here 

I hate.


The Loser

When that feelings come

Its just felt like I'm an idiot..I take things for granted.

I regret for all the things and chances I have not taken.. 

I cant stand my own attitude either..

I'm glad im not doing this on anyone, cause I know it would hurt them..badly

Why cant that attitute of mine change?

Well it sucks to be me..

It does.

Indeed I am the Loser.

but No matter how loser am I.. God is always there..I know he is.

He's the only one who knows what I'm going through..

I wish to change in this coming months.

If only we could really wish..


Answered Prayer

It sounds like a Dream come true..

finally, I can finally breath easily for the 1st time in my entire life

Taking my own world to Perth would be a great idea

Now I cant wait to Graduate next year, but I know I have to struggle and work hard to obtain a better results than before.

but still, a relive that I was given a green light to go there.

but I'm still not giving up on my chase to California.

couldn't think much now..so hopefully my Prayers are answer again next year.

lets see what fate lies ahead of me

Thank You GOD! 


Let me go

Going insane..

Insane again and again! 

1 more year, and I'm finally free from everything!

The lies and every single Fucking thing!


people shit!


The Sins of My Young

I should stop myself from Chasing you

I though I had a Chance..

Once again...I'm a dumb guy! When will I ever learn?!

My own mistakes lead to this unsolved problem of mine


I've had enough, Chasing my dreams are better than Chasing You..


Chances not Taken!

I know what to do after all.

Research always works for me..

And I hope my plan and thinking will be working.

Hoping for it happen, means I have to take this patiently for a month or two

Will it succeed? 

Well,I hope..Whatever plans I have, It's always been working..

Get ready to get Shock my friends(if it does happen)

If it doesn't..then Move Along is the only thing I can do.