
A little update

Here are sum updates....for the past 2 weeks,ive been going for driving lessons,everything went smoothly...hah..nothing much happen these days..juz bored of the life i had...for nw..im going to start my college in september..huh..still 1 month to go...i jz cant wait to go to Limkokwing, cant believe that im really going to study there...

At least nex month im going to KL...haha..jz for holiday...& i get to meet Alicia & Alexandra there...really miss them..all my best friends are studying in KL nw...i wish they choose to study here...kinda bored without them..

Well,thats all...like i said..a little update...


Happiness doesnt' last at all...

I woke up early today..getting ready for my table test...i dint hv any confidence at all cuz itz my 5th time taking the test..huh..wat a record...i studied the book the whole nite till 3am........when i reach there,i was trying to calm myself...try nt to think alot..i took the test for 43min 6sec...suprisingly I PASS!!! Finally!! 42/50..
It make me so happy that i dont care what people used to say that i'll fail 10 times!! HAH!!

After the test,i went to church for band practice..the praise n worship will be on monday nite & this is the 1st time we practice wit full instrument....last time only drum...
We practice for 1 hour only cuz i came late..at leats i can practice the nex day if can..

After the practice, i went out to meet sum old friends who jz came back from National Service,meet up wit shayndee,alicia & Ee...i was kinda happy cuz itz been a long time we dint see each other..we went to eat at Hartz and talked & talked the whole day....then, i was suprise when Ee said that nex week he was going to sabah to study.............damn........i was like sad cuz more friends of my is leaving...even alicia is leaving...she going to KL to study too..
After that..we all went home cuz we dont know wat to do..huh..wat a day...

I jz spend 1 hour at home then went out again wit john,cy & aldrich...we went to eat then we went to The Spring to hang out at Starbux..cuz it was aldrich final week wit us before going to Melaka to join The Navy......to add another saddness,i went to my place where i use to work...they told me that Sandy was going to leave the nex day...i was so sad...i was never this sad before...she said that she's leaving at 10am...i wish i can go there....but i hv a 3hour practical in the morning...damn...

Then...we went home...when i was on the way home......john told me sumthing that made me more sad....im nt gonna say it here..cuz itz kinda personal even this is a blog...so..who give a fuck..

Nw im writing this....cuz im jz so fucking sad....