

Since i got nothing much to blog about..
mite as well just blog bout this...

Got my results the other day...and it turn out suprisingly good..
here are my result...not that good la,but im satisfied enough..

Communication English B+
Creative Studies B+
Life Drawing B
Design Studies B-
Moral Studies C+

I really need to improve my moral...heh...i really suck at it,hope i can improve next sem,plus,it will be 7 subjects more
After getting my results, one of the lecturers just chose me to become an Usher(not the singer) for next week event,due to the Chief Minister is visiting the Campus..I mean, i cant believe im chosen? am i suppose to be happy,surprise? watever...but i accept it since i really want to be active in campus..rather than doing nothing...

Went to check out YouTube..just going through some songs and i found a new song that attracts me..Hoobastank new album For(N)ever,was really cool...i keep on listening to it over and over again..
here's one of my favourites

Enjoy the song...lazy to put up the lyrics..hah..this song doesn't mean anything to me..i just enjoy listening to it,and the lyrics are simply amazing...

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