
Those 3 words

Last Sunday,me,jon,cyril & elroy went to our friends house for a barbeque.. at first we were lost,all thanks to elroy! Sure its very dark to see the signboard on the roadside but he just pinpoint..heh..finally,after a 20 mintues in an unknown places..we reach to our friends house..we were juzt hanging out,eat & had some drinks...we did have some vodka & wine..while were enjoying ourself,one of my friends said that we have a meeting the next day at church,so cant drink alot...so were wondering who will be coming....

While the others are busy drinking,i decided to msg my friend who happens to be the girl that i like,i asked her whether she was coming, she said maybe...then i dont know why,but i just decided to ask her a question..i told her that i love her..do u?....at first she thought that i was drunk(damn),actually i wasn't drunk at all....then she ask since when,i told her since the first time i saw her....sure we were close friends,we had known each other for years now,few months ago she told my friends that she like me...i dint belive at all...but every of my friends says the same thing....so that night,i decided to ask her......then she said that 'sorry,its not like im rejecting you, because her heart was hurt by someone....i wonder who......it takes alot of guts to say that to someone that i like...i apologize to her for saying so at this kind of time...i know in her mind she'll be wondering why now.....then she immedietly say goodnight....after that we all decided to go home...the whole journey i was so jiwang heh...not the usual me....jon & cyril give some advice, & they say that it takes alot of guts to say that 3 words to her...

The next day i went to the meeting...she dint show up..im not suprise at all...during the meeting,they said that im going to help up with her during the sale......owh wat the heck...they all kept teasing me being with her....heh,i guess they dint know what happen the night before...after that,i msg her to ask her about the sales this coming saturday...after 3 msg..i dint want to msg back..but then she msg me back..we had chat till night..then she ask me wheter i can be his step brother or something like that...i said sure i dun mind...i guess thats a way to prevent me from being with her.....

After all ive been through,i decided to forget about it....& move on!!

When i posted my shout-out in my MSN saying 'Im not alrite,im broken inside broken inside!!' it kinda attract sum of my friends,they kept asking 'u ok?' till now.......haha...i cant live without this friends....i may not have a person to love,but i have friends that cares....thank god i have friends like them!

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