
A day to remember

Cant sleep...due to flu..so i decided to blog about what happen that day...

Reach campus at 6.40am..no one was there...i think,but then i walk around..cant find anyone yet except all the lecturers that are busy doing their stuff..
Went to Design Studio 1,found everyone there...finally..i though i was alone..
The usher had get their make up..i had to cause i was force..they dint do much..so went down to take my pin and pass..i was working with jane..witch i know my job will be change again,and it did..working with jane was the easy thing...lead the parents to their sits and thats all..
When the CM and Tan Sri arrive..everyone gather and take pic..i dint join in cause there was too many ppl...

As they all went up..i was handling the food for the guest..the food,well...i was chatting with this girl..i forgot her name(sorry),but were both ended up being friends...since we both are assign to handle the job..transfer the food to another plate, it was a stupit job to do la..then went the noodles arrive..we smell something really awfull..i knew it was the noodle tho,since it arrive the smell was reallly awfull..i meant how could we serve this kind of food!!
Saw ppl eat it..i lose my appitite..some ppl know some dont...eww..

After all the hard works..we went to the MPR to see some performances from the Africans and Local students..it was great tho..i did take some pic..but it was'nt clear..i'll find the pic if i did found it..

here are some pic that i found....i'll post more soon..

Waiting for the arrival of Tan Sri

There he is....1st time i saw him tho..

Some other Vip's

Saying goodbye to all the Vip's,Cm and Tan sri

This was the ending actually...we took pic wit the Tan Sri!
it was fun..everyone cheer and scream!

U can see me!! haha..it was great that day...my hand was red due to none stop clapping..

more pic to upload soon...

The event end at 2.30pm i think...
Altho we are tired...me and my friends went to eat at Hock lee..since we dint eat for lunch..then we went to the arcade to really some tension..doesn't really work..
So we decided to go play Counter Strike..since there was only 1 girl with us..she join in,she was the one who plan to go play it..so we did..
She was a KILLER in the game..i dint underestimate her since she told me that she use to play it always..the rest..well......they were suprise..haha..then we went home to take a rest..since Class starts Next week..so we wont be going out till sunday..

And i was sick when i got home...due to the rain...huh..
Still i was happy to be part of the event..
and im proud to be part of the Limkokwing Univercity..

Cant wait for Sem 2!


72 hours to sleep

Im tired...
woke up at 5.30am..
went for breakfast then to campus...

crap..im really really tired...
i'll update when my mind is ready to write in the stories about what happen...
it was a day to remember at campus tho..

farewell...update soon enough...


For Warrick

The new season and the 1st episode of Csi was the most saddest episode ever! the second one was in Csi Miami where Tim Speedle was killed in a gun fight...


The death of Warrick Brown really was not the thing i expected to happen...i wanted him to live and quit csi..safely..but,he ended up dead...shot by Undersheriff McKeen(u son of a bitch!)...the whole team of csi was fooled by him..on the other hand, Sara Sidle came back!! but with a sad face cause she heard about what happen to warrick...the storyline in this 1st episode was really sad and touching...Warrick died cause he knows the truth,he sees Gil Grissom as a father and he had a son! suprisingly! none of the csi members dint really know he had one...it was greg and sara who find out that Warrick kept a secret from everyone..

this is where everyone cried....yea,i did...warrick brown was my favourite character btw...

Warrick Brown had no family,he was raise by his granmother..but then she died...and that makes Warrick Brown a great character in this series..he said that grissom,nick,catherine,sara and greg was the only family he had..

here's a little preview of the 1st episode of the new season..
btw,the song they use in this promo is called The Funeral by Band of Horses..good choice to make me even sad! =(

Day 2- Boring day

As all the lecturers say,today will be the real rehearsel day...we all will learn what to do and say..
so we did...at 11am..yea,i wonder who set up the time at 8.30am! we had to wait till 10 am then we had a briefing for awhile...My post was change(again) now im the Main Usher...my job is to lead the guest or the Vip to the MPR..and i had to entertain them by talking to them..i dont know wheater i can do it or not..since the the big day is 2moro!!! huh...but all i know,that my post will be change yet again..

At 11am..it was panic for all of us..Cause Tan Sri said he will be coming..and yea,he did...we panic and we immedietly take our positions..and we had to do what were train to do...CLAP! yea..thats it..and he went up by himself..

After lunch,we had another rehearsel at 1.30pm...yea rite!? Me and the whole Ushers were waiting from 1.30pm till 3.30pm...nothing!! We were waiting like some retards!
then,all the lecturers came down and we clap(again) farewell to the Tan sri..cant blame the lectureres...their were doing the hard works there...and they apologize for not informing us...Katrina told us that we all should go home and take a rest cause the nex dat,everyone had to come very early..as in 6.30am or 7.00am!

Its been along time i dint wake up that early...haha...oh well..i'll do my best 2moro..



All i want to find is...a simple Formal Black Shirt, sumthing like an office wear...and size S
Its damn hard for sumone like me to find it..
Went to tHe Spring...went everywhere in the shopping mall....none...

Then..i went to Boulevard...there i just went to 1 section..and ask them "do u have a office wear,black colour and size S?" ok...so she went looking for it..they say they dont have anymore..so i said i need any brand la..i dont care cheap of wad...i just need it by tonight,cause i'll be wearing it by 2moro...so the women was like telling everyone there to look for it..they ran around,asking got or not,they even ditch the counter,one of them even scream ''did u found it!!??"...wat the heck?! i wanted them to chill...altho it was almost closing time....but chill...but,their hard work dint pay off...cant find any..bleh..

So,i went acroos boulevard to find..and i did found one...simple..ceh,i could have been like not panic too just to look for a Formal shirt...

Sorry for causiong such a trouble...hehe...

Day 1-Rehearsel

Woke at 8.49am..i though i was late,so i quickly take my shower and all...went to campus..
then..i though i was late,saw Sasya there sitting by herself...i dint even see any of the ushers... ok?...after that i just know that the time had change..10.30am..huh..i could have sleep a little bit longer...damn..went for breakfast then came back...right on time, emmanuel said that there's a short breifing with soo boon and katrina..they arrange who and what were suppose to do...

My Job is boring..all i had to do is stand at the door and welcome them,the worst is i had to show any vip's or people to the toilet..bleh...at least being the usher at the ground floor is fun and they get to take pictures with the Tan Sri and all,its more happening there...while im with other 3 students are going to wait at the 3rd floor and lead them to their sits...we went up and down the whole day...and it was tiring...after the rehearsel,i went off to find my formal shirt with Fidrus..dint find any..

Crap...tired now...and im writing this down just to say it....oh well..2moro have to wake up early again...and we have to wear formal! All black! and the damn wheater is hot!


Feb 14-A day to be alone

HAPPY VALENTINES DAY TO EVERYONE......whoever celebrates it...

i dont know why..but celebrating this..its just of waste of money...why celebrate in on one particular day if you cant celebrate it anytime...i'll be wondering why....i only know,the flowers and some restaurant will raise the normal prices to a higher prices, does'nt anyone realise that or they just dont care...believe me, avoid restaurants and some flowers and candy shops if had to...

As for me...i wont be celebrating it, cause i'll be in campus doing some rehearsel for next week event and i had to stay at campus till 5pm if im not wrong just because Tan Sri Datuk Lim Kok Wing(if im not wrong) wants to see us...i wonder why...heh,anyway i dont really care if i did go or not...im still not interested in celebrating it at all...SINGLE RULES! haha...

Just came back from Planetshakers last nite,it was pretty cool...too bad i dint join the mosh cause my leg was still injured due to futsal and i had to force myself to stand for 1 hour plus if im not wrong, and why are all the TALL GUYS STANDING INFRONT OF ME!?....and the guy who gave a speech to everyone asking all of us to sit anywhere and really wanted us all to sit..he's just weird..cant he see there's like 100+ ppl inside and no space at all...yea,easy to say "sit anywhere"...me and cyril where thinking the same thing..."Easy for him to say,try standing here wit us".....saw some of my friends...suprise to see Jason,Nat(half way meeting me and screaming at me),Brenda....even Zoe,too bad i dint get to met Stephanie,i knew she was coming...but dint saw her anywhere...oh well..

Its 1.27 am...why am i still awake?


I need to wake up early again 2moro...i mean later...heh,my scedule is packed starting this Saturday..

Anyways, Happy Vday.....
Just a reminder...anyone of you dating around Taman Sahabat..better be carefull, cause me,cyril,jon,aaron and theodo will desroy your love moment....we'll go around and sing infront of you!!hahahaha....

im serious



Since i got nothing much to blog about..
mite as well just blog bout this...

Got my results the other day...and it turn out suprisingly good..
here are my result...not that good la,but im satisfied enough..

Communication English B+
Creative Studies B+
Life Drawing B
Design Studies B-
Moral Studies C+

I really need to improve my moral...heh...i really suck at it,hope i can improve next sem,plus,it will be 7 subjects more
After getting my results, one of the lecturers just chose me to become an Usher(not the singer) for next week event,due to the Chief Minister is visiting the Campus..I mean, i cant believe im chosen? am i suppose to be happy,surprise? watever...but i accept it since i really want to be active in campus..rather than doing nothing...

Went to check out YouTube..just going through some songs and i found a new song that attracts me..Hoobastank new album For(N)ever,was really cool...i keep on listening to it over and over again..
here's one of my favourites

Enjoy the song...lazy to put up the lyrics..hah..this song doesn't mean anything to me..i just enjoy listening to it,and the lyrics are simply amazing...



Went to airport AGAIN this morning..Just to say farewell to our friend Prakash who's going back to Melaka...3 weeks felt so short..again,more friends are leaving kuching..sights..

As usual...its a boring day..again..

Happy Birthday Astika..
altho i dont really know you well in class but hey..your still my friend =) haha..
i know your leaving this Saturday...good luck in cyberjaya next sem.....
if your reading this, were going to have a farewell party for you this friday...well not exactly a party..but we'll plan it..haha..seems that everybody is busy these days..take time to arrange things..

Hope that i'll be leaving in 2 years time...since everyone is rushing leaving this place..im not going to rush myself..just hoping the campus in the US complete fast!!

Valentines Days Next Week...and everyone is asking me to make a plan for someone..but,yea....i dont know wheter i should do it or not....my mind is still selecting Single..
huh...wat the heck...i cant even think straight now...
i can assure everyone that its going to be another lonely valentine's day for me...
still...im happy..

Patience is all i need..

I've made to Sem 2..I gt a letter from my college saying that im in sem 2...
All i want is go to sem 2 and not to repeat Sem 1 like my other friends...All this while i though i dint perform well enough...but hey...im there...hahaha..

Cant wait for Sem 2...just 2 more weeks to go...