
Day 1-Rehearsel

Woke at 8.49am..i though i was late,so i quickly take my shower and all...went to campus..
then..i though i was late,saw Sasya there sitting by herself...i dint even see any of the ushers... ok?...after that i just know that the time had change..10.30am..huh..i could have sleep a little bit longer...damn..went for breakfast then came back...right on time, emmanuel said that there's a short breifing with soo boon and katrina..they arrange who and what were suppose to do...

My Job is boring..all i had to do is stand at the door and welcome them,the worst is i had to show any vip's or people to the toilet..bleh...at least being the usher at the ground floor is fun and they get to take pictures with the Tan Sri and all,its more happening there...while im with other 3 students are going to wait at the 3rd floor and lead them to their sits...we went up and down the whole day...and it was tiring...after the rehearsel,i went off to find my formal shirt with Fidrus..dint find any..

Crap...tired now...and im writing this down just to say it....oh well..2moro have to wake up early again...and we have to wear formal! All black! and the damn wheater is hot!

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