

At first it was such a bad month for me..
for being emo and depressed..

I dint know what get me that day..
But im just tired of it...

No more Emo,Depressed and Sadness..
There's no point of being what can really hurt you the most..


It's different..


They were there since the beginning,to help and listen...those are friends for..
No one could live without friends..

Im happy again, with that smile on my face..it helps, cause i can concentrate on my assingments...when i was still emo, i couldn't concentrate to do my work...and it suxs! my assingments are all due now..and im racing to finish it...i dint sleep,eat or drink just to finish my assingments...and i dint know how easy it was when i do it! heh..damnit...my ideas always comes last minute...

Everyday is still exactly the same tho...just that i dont drive anymore...since my brother already finish his course in KL..

Oh well..at least im not tired..

Im a happy guy now..
April and May was a great month for me...everything work out perfectly...

Wouldn't forget this...

So please..try to make me happy..not emo anymore..

or else....

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