
18 Days To Go and Counting

My sem 2 is coming to an end...very soon..
still have few assignments left..
if i dint send it by this week....IM DEAD!!!!

Next week i'll be having 2 presentations and 1 final exam!!
Im ready for the group project assingments,but the individual...where i have to explain why i choose the painter,why this type of painting and all that...i dont know whether i can do it...

while i dint even study for my final exam of Malaysian studies...



i know i can do it...

i know i can..

i wont give up..

and yea...the worst has come...next sem..that is semester 3..i think i'll be going Cyberjaya!
its not that im not ready to leave..
but i just want to stay here with my best buddies,the chepness of the food here..
free place to stay..
and all i could think about...

i'll see what comes in the next few months..

here are some glimps of our Batik Project

The two master of Batik...fidrus and ageng..

This is only half of the work...its actually finish...
i'll post the picture soon enough...

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